The Method of Facebook Funnel

Now recently i’ve been playing with Facebook PPC, and I thought I would post my experience here. I have personally tested and use the stuff I am about to reveal on a daily basis.

Now anyone that knows anything about Marketing will know the sales funnel theology – you take people and pour them into a marketing funnel and the further down they go the more money they spend with you – and i’ve implemented it with facebook.

What you need is Facebook ad credit (see my post here to get $100 free – ) and a VCC/CC to keep on file with facebook (though u delete your ad’s before u reach this stage).

Now I am for the first and only time going give you my facebook PPC strageties that I use every single day to pull in new customers and earn.

Facebook is amazing because…
1. You can target by demographics
2. You can target by interest
3. You can (if you know how) get stupid stupid CPC

First of all, the most important thing to know/remember is that facebook loves their traffic, and even though your paying for it, they hate you taking a visitor away. We can capitalise on this.

Lets look at the normal advertisers facebook sales funnel:


Facebook PPC Ad
Sales Page

Generally the CPC for these clicks are higher than they are with the sales funnel i’ve developed. My sales funnel looks like this…


Facebook PPC Ad
Facebook Fan Page
| |
Friend Updates Sales Page
Sales Page

Now this looks more complicated, however once you understand it your laughing.

1. Facebook loves keeping visitors on their site (as they have CPM ads running as well as CPC), so they allow you to advertise Facebook Fan pages, and generally the CPC is lower than any other advertising. Today on a couple of ad’s I am running I am paying $0.06 a click. So if you advertise something on facebook = you pay less. Also i’ve noticed that if I advertise on site content rather than off site content my ad’s get approved a lot faster (within 10 – 15mins)

2. So we have them as fans on our page now, the sales funnel branches here:
a) We have our site URL listed in our info section so if people are very interested we can convert them straight away
b) Each time we update our status it appears in EVERY fan’s updates, this is absolutely amazing!

3. We can attach a link to our status updates, which appear in the updates for every single fan. With this link we can include a image from the page we are linking to – on some of my campaigns this increases conversions by 400%!

4. They reach your sales page and join your list as normal -> and you can move them further down the funnel to your big products.

Now that is the Facebook Funnel, I hope many of you implement it in your everyday facebook advertising use, as it works wonders! Being able to change your status to say you just launched a competion/brought x/got a discount code for… etc and have 20k fans see it in their updates is a big massive earner for anyone!

Now I am not finished, here is how I find who goes into my funnel…

Facebook has amazing tagetting features, so generally I make my target demographic as small as possible.

This is my general target selection stragety (for a email submit to win backstage tickets to the Eastenders tv-show set)

1. I limit by county, for example United Kingdom
2. I limited by gender, for example Female
3. I limit by relationship status/education, for example In Uni/College
4. I limit by interest, for example Eastenders
5. I limit by age (I will split 1 campaign into age groups) i.e. I will have seperate campaigns for ppl 18, ppl 19, ppl 20, ppl 21 etc

I then set my max bid at the minimum suggested to get a few clicks through, I will come back the next morning and lower my bid by $0.10, and do this for every hour until I get no clicks for a 24 hour period when i will raise it $0.05.

I was speaking to a couple of people after I posted this originally, and some things came up so this is going be a kinda FAQ style bit:

1. What cpa offers convert?
I’ve worked with nearly every type of non-cc offer using these methods

2. Do I need to reflect the offer in my group?
No. For example for the Eastenders example, you’d create a “Best Eastenders Fan Group” fan page, and each day you’d post a update about that day’s episode, member of the cast etc for a week or so, and then you would throw in this Competition you’ve found

3. Where do I get free advertising credit to test this?
Look up at the top of the post – or click here

4. I can’t find a offer that would work?
How do you know it won’t work? Have you tried it? Get some free credit + a VCC and give it a shot.